Saturday, 31 December 2011
Week 105 - Start (Cmapm)
Friday, 30 December 2011
photo from week 104 - Ensign Selfix 820 Special

Ho ho ho - reflected self-portrait with Ensign Selfix 820 Special camera and santa suit, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
photo from week 104 - Ensign Selfix 820 Special
photo from week 104 - Ensign Selfix 820 Special
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Week 104 - Ensign Selfix 820 Special
The Ensign Selfix is a well specified (and very heavy) folding medium format camera. I can't remember where this came from, but I know I didn't pay much for it, and at the time I didn't appreciate how sought after these cameras would become. It takes 120 film, and has built in masks to allow 6x9cm or 6x6cm images (8 and 12 per roll respectively). I've opted for the 12 frames and loaded it with a roll of "Lomography" ISO400 colour negative film that I found in the remaindered box of a museum gift shop, thus rendering it a bargain.
photo from week 103 - Wide Pic Panorama
photo from week 103 - Wide Pic Panorama
photo from week 103 - Wide Pic Panorama
photo from week 103 - Wide Pic Panorama
Monday, 19 December 2011
Week 103 - Wide Pic Panorama
photo from week 102 - Chinon Bellami
Sunday, 18 December 2011
photo from week 102 - Chinon Bellami

reflected self-portrait with Chinon Bellami camera and leaf-patterned hat, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
photo from week 102 - Chinon Bellami
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Week 102 - Chinon Bellami
The doors are opened, and the lens extended, when the wind on lever is moved backwards. The batteries that were in it were corroded, so I wasn't sure whether it worked until I got it home and put some fresh ones it. The exposure system is fully automatic, with shutter speeds from 1/15th to 1/500th sec.
I've loaded it with a roll of Kodak ColorPlus ISO200 from Poundland.
The rewind crank is missing, so I will have to unload it in a changing bag.
Saturday, 10 December 2011
photo from week 101 - Voigtlander Vitoret 110EL
A seaonal shop window display, I braced the camera up against the glass, the exposure felt like about 1/4 second.
photo from week 101 - Voigtlander Vitoret 110EL

reflected self-portrait with Voigtlander Vitoret 110EL camera and Xmas hat from Poundland, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
The tripod was necessary for this indoor shot, the exposure was around 2 seconds.
photo from week 101 - Voigtlander Vitoret 110EL
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Week 101 - Voigtlander Vitoret 110 EL
Friday, 2 December 2011
photo from week 100 - Watch Pocket Carbine
photo from week 100 - Watch Pocket Carbine

reflected self-portrait with Watch Carbine camera and droopy Xmas hat from Poundland, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Week 100 - Watch Pocket Carbine
I was hoping that I might have a 100 year old camera to use, but none are quite that old, though this one was introduced in 1911 and remained in production for a decade or more.
At first glance it appears to take 120 roll film, but the spools are narrower than standard 120, more like 620 spools, though this format was not introduced until much later. The camera had one wooden spool in it, and I was able to re-roll a film onto an old 620 spool to make the supply side. The way the old wooden spool engages with the wind-on knob is not compatible with the 620 spools, so it was lucky the old one was there.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
photo from week 99 - Paxina
photo from week 99 - Paxina
photo from week 99 - Paxina
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Week 99 - Paxina
I've loaded it with some expired Fujichrome Velvia ISO100 slide film, which I will cross process at home in C41 chemistry.
photo from week 98 - Durst Duca
This camera has a fixed shutter speed and aperture, so can't be used indoors, meaning that my reflected self-portrait had to be taken in a window of the local college..
photo from week 98 - Durst Duca
I only managed to get nine exposures this week, re-loading the Agfa Rapid cassettes is a bit hit and miss, this time I obviously didn't load enough, but the resistance had got to the level where I was going to damage the film if I tried to cram any more in.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Week 98 - Durst Duca
I left my final decision about the choice of this week's camera until I saw what the weather was like, we have had a very gloomy week, and this camera, with a fixed shutter speed and aperture needs good light. Saturday morning was sunny, so the Durst Duca got the go ahead. There are only 12 exposures per load, which is just as well, as we are now back to very dull conditions.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
photo from week 97 - Pentax S1
photo from week 97 - Pentax S1
photo from week 97 - Pentax S1
Sunday, 6 November 2011
photo from week 96 - Sprocket Rocket
photo from week 96 - Sprocket Rocket

reflected self-portrait with Sprocket Rocket camera and yellow crown, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
Now I know from first hand experience why the early Victorians always looked so po-faced in photographs. The need to keep still (in this case for 30 seconds) made it difficult to keep anything but a straight face.
photo from week 96 - Sprocket Rocket
Week 97 - Pentax S1
Saturday, 5 November 2011
photo from week 95 - Zeiss Ikon Kolibri
photo from week 95 - Zeiss Ikon Kolibri
photo from week 95 - Zeiss Ikon Kolibri
I took the Kolibri with me on a day trip to London on a very wet day, there were plenty of puddles and reflections. The film was Efke 100 black and white film which I developed in Ilfosol 3.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Week 96 - Lomography Sprocket Rocket
I bought this camera new in June this year, and have already had several films through it.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Week 95 - Zeiss Ikon Kolibri
This is a lovely little camera dating from the 1930s, it takes 127 rollfilm, and has a lens which retracts into the body when not in use. The slow shutter speeds are unreliable, but otherwise it seems to work. I will be loading it with Efke 100 Blakc and white film.
photo from week 94 - Cosmic 35
Saturday, 22 October 2011
photo from week 94 - Cosmic 35
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
photo from week 93 - Petie miniature camera
photo from week 93 - Petie miniature camera
photo from week 93 - Petie miniature camera
Monday, 17 October 2011
Week 94 - Cosmic 35
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Week 93 - Petie miniature camera
The film is a proprietary format using 17mm film wide on a spool with backing paper. Fortunately my camera came with four unused rolls of film, with expiry dates of 1964. I have managed to get images from older stock than this, so was cautiously optimistic that they might be usable, but there was only a trace of a picture to be seen. Film loses speed as it ages, a rule of thumb is to allow one stop per decade, but this camera has only one shutter speed and no "B" setting, so it was impossible to compensate for this loss of sensitivity.
I have re-rolled that old spools and backing papaer with some of the 40 year old FP4 16mm movie film that I used last week, I've already shot one test roll, so I know it works. The film has perforations, unlike the original, but this shouldn't be too much of a problem.