Thursday, 22 December 2011

photo from week 103 - Wide Pic Panorama

horse chestnut and rainbow by pho-Tony
horse chestnut and rainbow, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
We had some very heavy rain this week, but I didn't feel to precious about risking this cheap and cheerful camera getting wet. This is one of two rainbows I saw this week.


  1. These came out great. Really well composed too.

    I've had one of these cameras stuck in a draw for a year or so and haven't used it yet. Am inspired to pick it up now :-)

  2. This photo is amazing! i have the excact same camera.. what ios would you recommend to use for this camera?

    1. Bearing in the mind that this is a simple low spec camera with a smallish fixed aperture and shutter speed, it really needs good light to get a correct exposure. In the winter I would use ISO400 and even then only use it on a bright day. In the summer you could probably get away with a slower film.

    2. Thank you :)

      i have seen some shots from this camera that have the pinholes in the picture.

      How did you get them to not show up on this picure?
