This is a recent acquisition, it takes stereo pairs on 120 roll film, the pairs are 24mm x 24mm, which is the format used by many 35mm stereo cameras, and was to allow the pairs from this camera to be mounted and viewed using the same equipment.
This is the basic model in the range, it has fixed focus lenses, though it it does have 3 shutter speeds and 4 apertures, so is usable in a range of lighting conditions.
It makes 24 stereo pairs on a 120 roll, but I don't think I will get that many, as I've loaded it with the Shanghai GP3 film, which has very indistinct markings on the backing paper, and I'm finding it impossible to see them, so advancing the film by guesswork, which will inevitably result in unveven spacing and some wastage.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Week 40 - ISO Duplex 120 stereo camera
photo from week 38 - un-named toy camera
As a kind of prequel to week 39's Lomo Fisheye camera, I experimented with holding a fisheye adaptor in front of the toy camera's lens.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
photo from week 38 - un-named toy camera
This is my reflection in the window of the local college, the playing fields are behind me.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Week 39 - Lomo Fisheye Camera
This was another car boot-sale find, I paid £3.50 for it, still in its original packaging and probably unused, presumably an unwanted gift. It's a very basic camera with a single shutter speed and aperture, though it does have a built in flash (of limited use, as the large lens mount casts a shadow on subjects near to the camera).
I put a film through it when I acquired it 2 years ago, so this is only the second time I've used it.
I put a film through it when I acquired it 2 years ago, so this is only the second time I've used it.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
photo from week 37 - Voigtlander Bessa-L

inside the moonarooni, originally uploaded by pho-Tony.
This was taken inside an inflatable environment called the "moonarooni".
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
photo from week 37 - Voigtlander Bessa-L
This week's mirror self-portrait, the front of the lens was only 15cm from the mirror, and embarassingly, you can see toothpaste splashes on it!
photo from week 37 - Voigtlander Bessa-L
This was taken inside an inflatable environment called the "moonarooni".
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Week 38 - Un-named Toy Camera
I picked this up for 50p in a recent car bootsale. I liked the way is styled to look like a 'proper' camera. It also has a 'flash gun' to go in the accessory shoe (see 6th September post), but that is purely decorative and does not have any electronics in it.
Unusually, when you first load the film, you completely wind it out of the cassette, and as the film is shot, it is gradually returned to the cassette. This is a system that many 'disposable' cameras use too.
The lens looks to be about 25mm focal length, and of course there is a single shutter speed and a fixed aperture. I've decided to use it this week, as the daylight is getting less intense, and this kind of simple camera really needs good light.
Unusually, when you first load the film, you completely wind it out of the cassette, and as the film is shot, it is gradually returned to the cassette. This is a system that many 'disposable' cameras use too.
The lens looks to be about 25mm focal length, and of course there is a single shutter speed and a fixed aperture. I've decided to use it this week, as the daylight is getting less intense, and this kind of simple camera really needs good light.
photo from week 36 - Lomo Pop 9
this is one of the photos I took with coloured gels taped in front of the lenses
photo from week 36 - Lomo Pop 9
this is one of the photos I took with coloured gels taped in front of the lenses
photo from week 36 - Lomo Pop 9
This week's reflected self-portrait, taken in a shiny sphere in Milton Keynes.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Week 37 - Voigtlander Bessa-L
This camera was made by the Cosina company between 1999 and 2003, and marketed under the Voigtlander brand. The "L" model had no built in viewfinder, and was intended for use with the 15mm ultrawide Heliar lens, or a 25mm lens they also made, each came with its own dedicated viewfinder.
The lens fitting is the 39mm Leica screw mount, there is a metal focal plane shutter with speeds from 1 - 1/2000th of a second, and a built in coupled through-the-lens exposure meter.
Voigtlander later went on to make a 12mm lens, claiming to be the widest full frame rectilinear (as opposed to fisheye) lens available. This is the lens shown here.
The lens fitting is the 39mm Leica screw mount, there is a metal focal plane shutter with speeds from 1 - 1/2000th of a second, and a built in coupled through-the-lens exposure meter.
Voigtlander later went on to make a 12mm lens, claiming to be the widest full frame rectilinear (as opposed to fisheye) lens available. This is the lens shown here.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Sunday, 5 September 2010
photo from week 35 - Kodak VP Autographic
I've rendered this in sepia in homage to the Victorian photographer Frank Meadow Sutcliffe, who made an extensive photographic record of Whitby.
photo from week 35 - Kodak VP Autographic
This week's mirror portrait, the camera is barely visible, balanced on a tower of toilet rolls in order to keep it reasonably still for the 30 second exposure.
photo from week 35 - Kodak VP Autographic
This 90 year old camera has some fairly extensive light leaks, but to my mind they add to the interest of the photos.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Week 36 - Lomo Pop 9 camera
This novelty camera has nine lenses and takes all nine exposures at the same time. This particular one is rather the worse for wear, but it does work, I've used it once before when I attached coloured filters over the lenses, I'll leave them on for now, but I might take them off later in the week, especailly if the weather is dull, as this camera needs bright daylight.
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