The shutter on the Belair will stay open for several seconds in low light, so I used a tripod for this one, test firing with the lens cap still on suggested that the auto exposure was likley to under-exposue, so I changed the ISO setting to 50 (I was using ISO400 film) to compensate for this. There is no cable release socket on this camera, and camera shake is an ever present danger, but I seem to have got away with it here.
Sunday, 30 December 2012
photo from week 156 - Belair X 6-12
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Week 156 - Lomography Belair X 6-12
Last week I used my smallest camera, the Minox B taking 8mm x 11mm negatives, so I thought it would be interesting to go to the other extreme of the format scale this week.
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Monday, 24 December 2012
photo from week 155 - Minox B
photo from week 155 - Minox B
photo from week 155 - Minox B
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Week 155 - Minox B
I used a home made film slitter to cut down some 35mm film before loading it into a used Minox cassette.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
photo from week 154 - Minolta X-700
photo from week 154 - Minolta X-700
photo from week 154 - Minolta X-700
This was handheld at 1/30th second, I used manual overide to set the aperture to f1:7, and didn't bother metering, but used the slowest shutter speed I thought I could get away with without a tripod.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Week 154 - Minolta X-700
photo from week 153 - Nagel Vollenda
photo from week 153 - Nagel Vollenda
photo from week 153 - Nagel Vollenda
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Week 153 - Nagel Vollenda
photo from week 152 - Baby Brownie Special
The low winter sun provided a very contrasty scene, but I like the way the bare branches of the foreground trees frame the church.
photo from week 152 - Baby Brownie Special
photo from week 152 - Baby Brownie Special
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Week 152 - Baby Brownie Special
photo from week 151 - No. 1 Folding Pocket Kodak
photo from week 151 - No. 1 Folding Pocket Kodak

reflected self portrait with Kodak No.1 folding camera and bowler hat, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Week 151 - No. 1 Folding Pocket Kodak
This is the oldest camera I have used so far, it was made over 100 years ago, and has subtle differences from the more common, later folding models. There is a single speed shutter with B and T settings, the un-named lens has a diaphragm with 4 marked stops, but no "f" numbers are given. It takes 120 film, and I have loaded it with my last roll of Shanghai GP3 black and white film. We will see what state the bellows are in in due course...
Photos from week 150 - Yashica Rapide
Photo from week 150 - Yashica Rapide

reflected self-portrait with Yashica Rapide camera and bowed top hat, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Week 150 - Yashica Rapide
The Rapide is a half frame camera with an unusual vertical design. The film is advanced and the shutter cocked by tugging on a short leather strap (seen here bottom left). There is a built in un-coupled Selenium light meter, and the shutter speeds range from 1sec to 1/500th. It's made of metal, and quite heavy.
Photo from week 149 - Vivitar 742XL

reflected self-portrait with Vivitar 742XL camera and small sombrero, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
Photo from week 149 - Vivitar 742XL
Photo from week 149 - Vivitar 742XL
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Week 149 - Vivitar 742 XL
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Photo from week 148 - Petri 7s
Photo from week 148 - Petri 7s
Photo from week 148 - Petri 7s
I took it to "Fright Night", Sheffield's annual Halloween event, and used a slow shutter speed and a flash with coloured gel.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Week 148 - Petri 7s
Monday, 29 October 2012
Photo from week 147 - DX-1000
Photo from week 147 - DX-1000
Photo from week 147 - DX-1000
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Week 147 - DX-1000
It boasts an "optical lens" which has adjustable apertures down to f16. October 20th has been designated "World Toy Camera Day" so this seemed a good time to load it up. I've put some very expired Ektachrome 1600 slide film in it, which I will cross-process.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Photo from week 146 - La Belle Pal
Photo from week 146 - La Belle Pal
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Week 146 - La Belle Pal
I've loaded it with a 24 exposure roll of Agfa Vista from Poundland.
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Photo from week 145 - Olympus µ II
Photo from week 145 - Olympus µ II
Photo from week 145 - Olympus µ II
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Week 145 - Olympus µ II
I bought it for £1 at a car boot sale, and have loaded it with a roll of Lomography xpro (cross processing) film.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
photo from week 144 - Bencini Comet-S
photo from week 144 - Bencini Comet-S

reflected self-portrait with Bencini Comet-S camera and Mallorcan hat, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
With a shortage of outdoor mirrors, I once again took my self portrait indoors, knowing that it would be severely under-exposed!