Friday, 31 December 2010
End of Year
My renewed interest in using film has led my to acquire several more cameras this year, and together with my existing collection, I still have quite a few to use.
I plan to continue into 2011, but maybe not quite so strictly on one camera a week.
Watch this space.
photo from week 52 - Ica Ideal
He was a Christmas present from my Aunt Daphne more than 40 years ago, and as she died last week aged 91, this image is dedicated to her.
photo from week 52 - Ica Ideal
Another long exposure (10 seconds) so deadpan expression and stiff pose!
photo from week 52 - Ica Ideal
This week I used another expired film, this one a mere 30 years past its use by date (compared with 60 years last week). There is quite a lot of blotchiness and streaking, but the images are still there.
Monday, 27 December 2010
photo from week 51 - Eljy (type 4)
photo from week 51 - Eljy (type 4)
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
photo from week 50 - Voigtlander Bessa 1
A cross between sculpture and architecture in Millennnium Square, Leeds.
photo from week 50 - Voigtlander Bessa 1
photo from week 50 - Voigtlander Bessa 1
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Week 51 - Eljy (type 4)
The lens collapses into the body when not in use, and the viewfinder even has parallax correction for closer subjects. Although the shutter speeds range fro 1/10th to 1/200th of a second, they all seem to be the same now.
We'll soon see if there was any life left in the 60 year old film!
Lumipan film
I'm using this 60 year old film in this week's camera, it's quite possible there will be nothing on it!
Sunday, 12 December 2010
photo from week 49 - Olympus XA2

reflected self-portrait with red hat, red fleece, red camera and redscale film, originally uploaded by pho-Tony.
photo from week 49 - Olympus XA2
I was quite pleased with the tones I got with this redscale film, clear blue skies and bright sunshine seem to give the best results.
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Week 50 - Voigtlander Bessa 1
I've had this camera a long time, I don't remember where I got it, but I don't think I paid much for it.
It takes 8 6x9cm exposures on 120 rollfilm, originally it would have had a mask to allow 16 6x4.5cm exposures, but this is missing, though the viewfinder still has the appopriate supplementary window for this format.
The Bessa 1 was made for a number of years, I think this one dates from the late 1930s or early 1940s.
Friday, 10 December 2010
photo from week 46 - Pentax Auto 110

reflected self-portrait with very small camera and very large hand, originally uploaded by pho-Tony.
photo from week 46 - Pentax Auto 110
photo from week 46 - Pentax Auto 110
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Week 49 - Olympus XA2
It is an excellent little camera, and while there is no manual overide, the auto shutter speeds are from 1/500th to 2 seconds, so the camera can be used in a wide range of lighting conditions.
As befits a red camera, I am using a redscale film this week.