The Brownie Cresta 3 was made between 1960 and 1965 and was one of the workhorses of family holiday snapshots well into the 1970s.
This one was £2 at a local market, and was in its original box and still had a film in it. The film was on exposure 11 out of 12, so I wound on, took the last frame and then developed the film to see what was on it.
In addition to my photo, there were some grossly underexposed indoor shots, presumably taken without flash, and a number of photos of 2 young women standing in a garden.
The film was Kodacolor II, which was introduced in 1973, so the photos must have been taken after that date, but the style of dress suggests they were taken in the 1970s. Here's an example:
The price written on the camera box is £2-2-5 (2 pounds, 2 shillings and 5d), so it must have been sold before decimalisation was introduced in 1971.