This was a charity shop find for £5. It has a range of shutter speeds and an f2.8 lens. There is a built in un-coupled selenium exposure meter, but the settings are all manual. Though branded as a "Boots" camera, it is in fact made by Braun of Nurnberg.
126 film is no longer made, and all that is available is long expired. I have a couple of ISO100 Boots brand films labelled develop before 1996, and have loaded one of these, I set the ISO (or rather ASA) on the meter to 50, as the film will probably have lost some sensitivity with age.
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Sunday, 27 May 2012
photo from week 125 - Coronet Midget
The camera was made decades ago, when film was less sensitive, so this photo, taken in bright sunlight was quite over-exposed, a sluggish shutter might also be a factor.
photo from week 125 - Coronet Midget
It was rather fiddly, but my attempts to load some old 16mm Ilford FP4 into the Midget seemed to work. I don't think I'll be using this camera regularly, but at least I've squeezed a few images out of it.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Week 125 - Coronet Midget
Very much a novelty, this camera has become quite collectable frequently fetching over £100 on Ebay, I didn't pay anything like that for mine, though it is not in first class condition.
I've loaded it with some re-spooled 16mm Ilford FP4 film.
I've loaded it with some re-spooled 16mm Ilford FP4 film.
home made 16mm reel
For the Coronet Midget that I'm using in week 125, I had to make a film spool, as there was only one with the camera. It was rather fiddly, but seems to have done the job.
Monday, 21 May 2012
photo from week 124 - Kodak Brownie Super 127
I held a yellow filter over the lens for this one to bring out the clouds a bit.
photo from week 124 - Kodak Brownie Super 127

reflected self-portrait with Kodak Brownie Super 27 camera and hard hat, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
photo from week 124 - Kodak Brownie Super 127
The curlyness of the Efke 127 film allowed it to escape the restraints of the film plane mask in this camera, resulting in curved film in places, giving rise to unfocussed areas. Ironically this has made an image reminiscent of the tilt shift technique.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Week 124 - Brownie Super 27
This boxy and quite chunky camera was made between 1961 and 1965. It takes square images on 127 film. There are two apertures, but only a single shutter speed and no "B" setting. The door on the front left opens to reveal a flash gun.
I've loaded it with Efke 100 black and white film.
I've loaded it with Efke 100 black and white film.
Monday, 14 May 2012
photo from week 123 - Agfa Optima 535

reflected self-portrait with Agfa Optima 535 camera and light weight hat, a photo by pho-Tony on Flickr.
photo from week 123 - Agfa Optima 535
I wanted to test the fully automatic exposure system in a variety of lighting conditions, in the dimly lit turbine hall at Tate Modern, I rested the camera on a parapet to keep it still. I wasn't sure how long the expousre would be, it seems to have been around 1/4 second.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Week 123 - Agfa Optima 535 Sensor
The Optima Sensor range was in production from the 1960s to the 1970s, they were increasingly sophisticated as time went on, this one has an electronic shutter with a fully automatic exposure system giving speeds between 15 seconds and 1/500th second. The f2.8 40mm lens has zone focussing symbols on the top, and a scale underneath.
I loaded it with a roll of Fuji Superia X-tra ISO 400 colour negative film.
I loaded it with a roll of Fuji Superia X-tra ISO 400 colour negative film.
photos from week 122 - Bencini Comet III
The last two frames from the roll of Macolor, it was a very overcast day, and the cylinders were in a shady corner, so the results aren't too bad considering...
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
photo from week 122 - Bencini Comet III
Although this is a very basic camera, it does have a "B" setting and a cable release socket, so I was able to put it on a tripod for this indoor shot, the exposure was around 2 seconds.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Amateur Photographer column about the Brownie 127
This week's AP magazine carries my article about the Brownie 127.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Week 122 - Bencini Comet III
This is another 127 camera, it takes 16 exposures on a roll, there is a single shutter speed and aperture, and focussing is possible.
The Bencini Comets came in a range of styles, this is one of the more unusual "vertical" designs, which at first glance looks more like a cine camera.
I've loaded it with my last but one roll of Macocolor negative film.
The Bencini Comets came in a range of styles, this is one of the more unusual "vertical" designs, which at first glance looks more like a cine camera.
I've loaded it with my last but one roll of Macocolor negative film.
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